10" x 10" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store This painting is based on a photo by Gez Robinson who hosts the popular Facebook page The Mouse Family that Live by the Brambles where he shares his beautiful photos and videos of the wild animals he provides for and protects in his wildlife friendly garden. (50% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Gez to support his work caring for wild animals and inspiring all of us to do the same)

12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Beth Karn discovered Bali & Kai at a popular pumpkin farm. She contacted Rara Subramanyan & The Save Response Team who, together with Paul Bali, negotiated release of the calves. The calves were taken to Wishing Well Sanctuary where they continue to live free from harm. (50% of proceeds of sale of original piece donated to Wishing Well Sanctuary)

12" x 18" Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store

16" x 16" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store (33% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Hunt Sabs)

10" x 12" Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store

12" x 18" Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store You were born an animal protector, you just forgot. As children, we're allowed to see farmed animals as worthy of our compassion, but as we age, society teaches us to draw a sharp line between companion animals and farmed animals; yet each is equally capable of suffering and just as worthy, intelligent and loving.

10" x 12" Acrylic and iridescent gold on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store

10" x 12" Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas Prints available through store

12" x 12" Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store

12" x 18" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available through store The Gyrfalcon (pronounced jur-fal-kn) is the largest true falcon in the world and thrives in some of the harshest climates on Earth. It is a circumpolar species, nesting on the tundra of northern Alaska and northern Canada, as well as the arctic and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, Greenland and Iceland. The Gyrfalcon is the official bird of the Northwest Territories.

12" x 18" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available through store

12" x 18" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available through store

12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Shortly after Sid was born on a sheep farm, his leg was broken. He was left for two weeks to suffer in pain with no medical care. Thankfully, kind people brought him to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary where his leg was braced and he was provided with pain medication. Syd has recovered well and has grown into a happy, handsome fellow! (100% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary)

12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Ellie was born on a sheep farm. When she was just 2 days old her mother died. Seeing Ellie as more trouble than she was worth, the farmer left Ellie to starve to death. Thankfully, kind people found her and brought her to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary. She's now a happy and healthy 6 year old! (100% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary)

12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Frieda B. fell off a trailer and was found on the side of a road. She was taken to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary where she is now free to be her true self and it turns out that self is as sweet as can be. Isn't she beautiful? (100% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary)

9" x 12" Watercolour Prints available through store

12" x 16" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Percy was a sweet girl who arrived at North Mountain Animal Sanctuary after her caretaker was posted overseas with the military. She liked green beans, brussels sprouts and, you guessed it, dandelions! (50% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to North Mountain Animal Sanctuary)

16" x 20" Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Prints available through store I met Wilbur when the trailer he was being taken to slaughter in crashed, spilling pigs onto a busy highway. Some were hit by oncoming cars, others were shot by police officers. I coaxed Wilbur into the back of my car and whisked him away from the scene. Wilbur was a sweet and gentle giant. He taught me that pigs are just as unique and individual as dogs are.

9" x 12" Pastel & chalk on toned paper Prints available through store

9" x 12" Pastel-chalk on toned paper Prints available through store

9" x 12" Pastel & chalk on toned paper Prints available through store

12" x 16" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store While scouring the web for art inspiration I came across Rosie the Riveter. I immediately noticed the gap created by her iconic raised arm & fist & figured I had a good idea how to fill it! The famous poster, which became the quintessential image of the power of women, unfortunately carried a pro-war message which needed tweaking. Add a piglet and some bolt-cutters and you've got a subverted propaganda piece of pure love!

Prints available through store Floyd was being raised for meat on an organic farm in BC when we found him, starving on his back, unable to right himself. It was the filthiest farm I've ever been to - dead, decaying birds were everywhere. Although we'd gone with the intention of conducting a full investigation, we saw Floyd, dropped everything, scooped him up and ran like hell. We don't regret it. Floyd's spirit saw him through and he recovered fully. He now lives at SAINTS Rescue.

10" x 10" Acrylic on canvas Prints available through store Dame Rouge's friend Sherry Milford states: "Madame Rouge's tiny white feathered body and giant floppy red comb is her trademark look that reminds one of a lady in a fashionable form-fitting track suit and super done hair-do. She is a distinct and distinguished member of the family at Piebird Farm Sanctuary." (50% of proceeds of the sale of this original piece donated to Piebird Sanctuary)

12" x 16" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available through store Bats are classified into two major groups: Flying Foxes and Microbats. Both share many similarities with humans: they have a similar skeletal structure (they have elongated fingers, not wings, that they fly with!), are warm-blooded, give birth and suckle their young, are devoted and caring mothers and even leave their children (called 'pups') at ‘childcare’ as they go in search of food!

12" x 18" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available in store. (100% of proceeds of the sale of this original donated to Animal Alliance of Canada)

12" x 18" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available through store (100% of proceeds of the sale of this original donated to Animal Alliance of Canada)

12" x 16" Pastel on PastelMat Prints available in store

9" x 12" Pastel-chalk on toned paper Prints available through store

9" x 12" Pastel-chalk coloured pencils on toned paper Prints available through store